Take Control of
Your Browsing Experience
Enjoy an Ad-Free Web Experience with Sblock and Focus on What Matters Most.
As mentioned on
Load Faster and Save Data
Experience accelerated webpage loading speeds and conserve valuable data usage with Sblock, optimizing your browsing efficiency
Wipe Webpages
webpages, even those sneaky ones hidden within non-ad sections
Timed Adblocking
Set a timer to temporarily disable the ad blocker, allowing ads for a specific duration while maintaining control over your browsing experience.
Local Language Filter
Block ads in your local language, ensuring a distraction-free browsing experience tailored to your preferences
Disable JavaScript
Take charge of your browsing experience by selectively disabling JavaScript for enhanced privacy
Cookie Pop-up Removal
Eliminate intrusive cookie preference pop-ups and navigate websites without interruptions
Block Video Autoplay
Put an end to those annoying autoplay videos that disrupt your browsing experience with Sblock's powerful autoplay blocking feature
Element Blocker
Customize your browsing experience by blocking specific elements on webpages, keeping unwanted content out of sight
Join the Sblock Revolution
Embrace a New Era of Ad-Free and Empowered Browsing!
Experience the power of Sblock, revolutionizing your browsing experience with enhanced privacy, ad-blocking capabilities, and complete control over your online journey.